National Association of Retired Police

On Friday 20th
April 2007 around 60 retired Police Officers, their families and
Wives of former Police Officers visited The National Memorial
Arboretum, Alrewas, Staffordshire together with the Mayor of
Wolverhampton, Councillor Davis and Mrs. Davis.
The purpose of the visit was to site and dedicate a plaque to the
memory of Police Officers who served in The Wolverhampton Borough
Police Force from 1849 to 1966, and the West Midlands Constabulary
from 1966 until 1974.
The event was organised by Mr. Mike Collins and Mr. Joe Davies, both
having served in both Police Forces during their long and
distinguished careers.
The Wolverhampton Branch of NARPO supported the initiative from the
outset and assisted with the administration side of things and
contact with former Police Officers.
Joe can be seen below with the Mayor of Wolverhampton and is wearing
his Police uniform depicting P.C. 39 which was Joe's collar number.
Following generous donations from all members of the Police family
Mike was able to cover the cost of the Plaque plus making a donation
to both the National Memorial Aboretum and C.O.P.S. which is a
charity set up to care for Police survivors. |